The CDAC-supported Paris-Edinburgh Cell Workshop 2013 was held on May 23-24 at the Advanced Photon Source and HPCAT 16BM-B, Argonne National Laboratory. More than 45 participants attended the two-day workshop. The workshop was composed of four technical training courses, as well as a discussion forum related to current Paris-Edinburgh cell applications in high-pressure research. 32 graduate students, post-docs, and young and senior researchers among the participants who had little to no experience with Paris-Edinburgh (PE) cell applications took hands-on courses. This training included instruction in a standard sample cell assembly (established for HPCAT PE cell application), high P-T control, ultrasonic measurement, and EDXD data analysis. A falling sphere viscometry technique was also demonstrated with a pre-made video.
The unique opportunity provided by the new instrumental setup established at HPCAT was also introduced to the hands-on participants through these courses. The workshop, which was organized by Carnegie's Changyong Park, Yoshio Kono, and Guoyin Shen (HPCAT), along with Yanbin Wang from GSECARS, was a successful outreach to the potential user community.