CDAC accepts proposals each November for graduate student support to begin March 1 of the following year. Proposals should contain a brief summary (5 pages maximum) of proposed work in the area of high P-T materials science and focused on graduate student education and training. Strong proposals will outline the experimental skills that the student will gain as a result of the work. Proposals should also include an informal budget that includes costs for one year of graduate student support (salary, fringe benefits, tuition, and $2000 for materials and supplies are the only budget items that will be considered). It is not necessary to send the proposal through the proposer's sponsored projects office in this initial proposal phase.
Please e-mail the proposal as a single .pdf document to Stephen Gramsch by November 30. Proposals are evaluated by the CDAC Steering Committee, which consists of current and former NNSA Laboratory scientists. The evaluation takes place during December and January, with decisions made in February. The CDAC year begins on March 1.
Please direct any questions to Stephen Gramsch, CDAC coordinator.