Workshop on Extreme Conditions Science at Synchrotron X-Ray Sources
February 24, 2011
Carnegie Institution of Washington
Broad Branch Road Campus
Following the success of the first two synchrotron measurements of dynamic compression carried out at the National Synchrotron Light Source (Beamline U2A) and the Advanced Photon Source (HPCAT beamline), there is now a need to consider the future of extreme conditions research using synchrotron radiation and plan for a path forward. Taking advantage of the timing structure of synchrotron radiation can provide for new directions in both static and dynamic compression programs, and also bridge the gap between these two types of high pressure experimental methods. The workshop, to be held on the Broad Branch Road Campus of the Carnegie Institution of Washington will explore the needs and opportunities for NNSA science in light of the current planning for new facilities as well as proposed upgrades to existing facilities.
Background Materials:
1. Understanding Condensed Matter Dynamics at the Microscopic Level
Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory
June 23-24, 2008
2. 21st Century Needs and Challenges in Compression Science Workshop
Bishop's Lodge Ranch, Santa Fe, NM
September 22-25, 2009
3. Dynamic Compression Workshop
University of Texas
January 24-28, 2011