The first CDAC Summer School, held June 1-3, 2005 at the Advanced Photon Source of the Argonne National Laboratory, was by every measure a great success. 33 young scientists from around the country attended and were taught by leading scientists from academia and the National Labs about the exciting field of high-pressure materials science.
The aims of the School were to provide an introduction for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers to high pressure-temperature materials research, including fundamentals not typically taught in university courses, while at the same time introducing them to the techniques, problems, and materials important in the field.
Lectures given by top scientists from academic institutions around the country and five National Labs explored the chemical and physical fundamentals of matter at high densities, and demonstrated how static and dynamic experiments, along with condensed-matter theory, can provide a means to understand the behavior of matter under extreme conditions.
Presentations were made within the context of key materials and measurement capabilities that are crucial to stockpile stewardship and the missions of the NNSA Labs, forming a linking conceptual thread that ran throughout the lectures, beginning with introductory lectures on the first day and moving to the more specialized techniques and problems. All in all, it provided an important and coherent introduction to the field and provided a valuable background for students new to the field. The students were highly engaged, with considerable discussion throughout the lectures.
Lecturers for the School included:
- Neil Ashcroft - Cornell University
- Yogendra M. Gupta - Institute for Shock Physics, Washington State University
- Raymond Jeanloz - University of California-Berkeley
- Chi-chang. Kao - National Synchrotron Light Source, Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Adam Schwartz - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Larry Fried - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Yusheng Zhao - Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Burkhard Militzer - Carnegie Institution of Washington
- Paul Chow - HPCAT/Advanced Photon Source
- Michael Hu - HPCAT/Advanced Photon Source
- Ho-kwang Mao - Carnegie Institution of Washington
- G. W. Collins - Livermore National Laboratory
- Marcus Knudson - Sandia National Laboratory
- Dana Dlott - University of Illinois
- David Funk - Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Kimberly Budil - Department of Energy/NNSA
Photos from the 2005 CDAC Summer School
To view the original announcement for the CDAC Summer School, click here.