Russell J. Hemley and Ho-Kwang Mao have won the Balzan Prize for 2005 in Mineral Physics. The Balzan Prize is awarded to scientists, artists and institutions for outstanding achievements in humanities, social sciences, physics, mathematics, natural sciences and medicine. The fields in this prize are rotated from year to year as determined by the prize committee. The prizes in science this year were in population biology and mineral physics. The winners must dedicate half of the monetary prize to projects involving young researchers.
More Press Releases
- Carnegie Institution (USA) - Carnegie Institutions Hemley and Mao Awarded International Balzan Prize
- Advanced Photon Source (USA) - Two from HPCAT win Balzan Prize
- Ireland On-line (Ireland) - British academic wins 648,000 for urban planning work
- (Germany) - Balzan Prize Winners 2005
- Informationsdienst Wissenschaft (Germany) - Balzan Prize Winners 2005
- Science Blog (USA) - Balzan Foundation Names Prize Winners for 2005
- Vdbiol (Germany) - Balzan-Preis an Populationsbiologenpaar Grant
- Innovations Report (Germany) - Balzan Stiftung wählt Preisträger 2005
- (Germany) - Ledderose gewinnt Balzan Preis
- Avvenire On Line (Italy) - Urbanistica e arte cinese per i Balzan 2005
- Die Welt (Germany) - Wasserstoff wie kurz nach dem Urknall
- Die Welt (Germany) - Balzanpreis geht an deutschen Kunstgeschichtler
- Europe Sun - Balzan Prize Winners 2005
- Yahoo! Deutschland (Germany) - Heidelberger Kunsthistoriker mit Balzan-Preis ausgezeichnet
- Yahoo! Deutschland (Germany) - Kunsthistoriker Ledderose gewinnt Balzan-Preis
- Basler Zietung Online (Switzerland) - Balzan-Preise gehen an sechs Wissenschafter
- Hamburger Morgen Post (Germany) - Kunsthistoriker Ledderose gewinnt Balzan-Preis
- NZZ Online (Switzerland) - Die Balzan-Stiftung ernennt sechs neue Preisträger
- Netzeitung Kultur (Germany) - Balzan-Preis an Kunsthistoriker Ledderose
- Mainpost (Germany) - Kunsthistoriker Ledderose gewinnt Balzan-Preis
- DW-World (Germany) - Balzan-Preis für deutschen Kunsthistoriker Lederrose
- Tages-Anzeiger Online (Switzerland) - Heidelberger Kunsthistoriker Ledderose gewinnt Balzan-Preis
- Westdeutsche Zeitung Online (Germany) - Kunsthistoriker Ledderose gewinnt Balzan-Preis
- Science Blog (USA) - Balzan Prizes 2005
- Agenzia Giornalistica Italica (Italy) - Ciampi's Message to Balzan Foundation President Bruno Bottai
- Construction & Maintenance (Russia) - Peter Hall Get Balzan Prize 2005 for History of Cities
- High Pressure Collaborative Access Team (USA) - 2005 Balzan Prize in Mineral Physics
- CIW NASA Astrobiology Institute (USA) - Balzan Recipient in Mineral Phyzics back from Berne