June 1-3, 2005
Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory
The CDAC Summer School had been established to provide an introduction for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers to high pressure-temperature materials research. We aim to explore the chemical and physical fundamentals of matter at high densities, and illustrate how static and dynamic experiments, along with condensed matter theory, can provide a means to understand the changes that take place in matter under extreme conditions. Presentations will be made within the context of key materials and measurement capabilities that are crucial to stockpile stewardship, and this will form a linking conceptual thread that will run throughout the lectures. The series of topics to be presented in the CDAC Summer School form a coherent introduction to the field of high pressure-temperature research that is not generally taught in universities and will provide a valuable background for students new to the field, regardless of the career paths students might pursue.
Lecturers for the School included:
- Neil Ashcroft - Cornell University
- Yogendra M. Gupta - Institute for Shock Physics, Washington State University
- Raymond Jeanloz - University of California-Berkeley
- Chi-chang. Kao - National Synchrotron Light Source, Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Adam Schwartz - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Larry Fried - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Yusheng Zhao - Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Burkhard Militzer - Carnegie Institution of Washington
- Paul Chow - HPCAT/Advanced Photon Source
- Michael Hu - HPCAT/Advanced Photon Source
- Ho-kwang Mao - Carnegie Institution of Washington
- G. W. Collins - Livermore National Laboratory
- Marcus Knudson - Sandia National Laboratory
- Dana Dlott - University of Illinois
- David Funk - Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Kimberly Budil - Department of Energy/NNSA
2005 CDAC Summer School Attendees
School Time Schedule | Wednesday, 6/1 | Thursday, 6/2 | Friday, 6/3 |
8:00-8:50 | Ashcroft I - Fundamentals of Matter at High Densities | Ashcroft II - Special Topics | Zhao - High Pressure Neutron Diffraction |
9:10-10:00 | Gupta I - Introduction to Shock Compression | Schwartz - Actinide Physics and Chemistry | Militzer - First Principles Simulations |
10:20-11:10 | Jeanloz - Static and Dynamic Compression/Overview of Key Materials | Fried - Computational Chemistry and Simulations | Chow - Applications of X-Ray Spectroscopy: Electronic Excitations |
11:30-12:20 | Kao I - Synchrotron Radiation | Kao II - Fundamentals of X-ray Spectroscopy | Hu - Application of X-ray Spectroscopy: Nuclear Resonant Scattering |
Lunch | |||
2:00-2:50 | Mao - Static High Pressure Techniques: Diffraction Methods | Gupta II - In-Situ Measurements with Shock Compression Techniques | Departures |
3:10-4:00 | Collins - Laser Shock Compresion | Funk - Chemical Dynamics | |
4:20-5:10 | Dlott - Table Top Shocks and Fast Spectroscopic Methods | Knudson - Shock Compression and Pulsed Power Methods | |
6:00 | Dinner (Guest House) | Cocktail Hour | |
7:00 | School Banquet
Budil - Stewardship Science |
CDAC Summer School Lecture Schedule - Updated 5/18/05 (pdf)
Applications for attendance were due April 15, 2005. For further information about the CDAC Summer School please contact Stephen Gramsch , CDAC Coordinator.
There will be a limited number of spaces available for senior scientists to attend the school lectures at their own expense. Please contact the CDAC Coordinator for further information.
To view a PDF of the original announcement, click here